
class, ips=None)[source]

Bases: object

Describes a network interface

An interface has main ipaddress.IPv4Interface and a main ipaddress.IPv6Interface. Any other ipaddress.IPvxInterface will be added as an alias. Main addresses as used by the default BaseJailHandler as the basis to calculate jail interfaces (see derive_interface). Interfaces can be checked for equality based on their name and list of ips.

  • name (str) – a name that identifies the interface.
  • ips (Optional[ str, list`[:py:class:`str] or set`(:py:class:`str) ]) – a single ip address or a list of ip addresses, represented as strings. Duplicates are silently ignored. The first ip added for each version will become the main ip address for this interface.

Compares interface based on their name, and list of ips


Adds a single ip address or a list of ip addresses, represented as strings, to the interface.

None and duplicates are silently ignored.

Parameters:ips (str, list`[:py:class:`str] or set`(:py:class:`str)) – a single ip address or a list of ip addresses, represented as strings. Duplicates are silently ignored. The first ip added for each version will become the main ip address for this interface.

sortedcontainers.SortedSet ([ ipaddress.IPv4Interface ]): a sorted set containing this interface’s IPv4 aliases


sortedcontainers.SortedSet ([ ipaddress.IPv4Interface ]): a sorted set containing this interface’s IPv6 aliases

ifsv4 = None

sortedcontainers.SortedSet ([ ipaddress.IPv4Interface ]): a sorted set containing all the IPv4 interfaces on this physical interface.

ifsv6 = None

sortedcontainers.SortedSet ([ ipaddress.IPv6Interface ]): a sorted set containing all the IPv6 interfaces on this physical interface.


sortedcontainers.SortedSet ([ str ]): a sorted set containing all ips on this interface.

main_ifv4 = None

ipaddress.IPv4Interface: this interface’s main IPv4 interface

main_ifv6 = None

ipaddress.IPv6Interface: this interface’s main IPv6 interface

name = None

str: a name that identifies the interface.


class pybsd.handlers.BaseJailHandler(master=None, jail_root=None)[source]

Bases: object

Provides a base jail handler

Handlers allow custom parametrization and customization of all logic pertaining to the jails. Each aspect of the handling is delegated to a method that can be called from the master or the jail.

  • master (Optional[Master]) – The handler’s master.
  • jail_root (str) – the path on the host’s filesystem to the jails directory that the handler will enforce


the default jail_root.



a dictionary linking jail class types and the numerical ids that are to be linked to them by this handler.

  • MissingMainIPError – when a master’s interface does not define a main_if
  • InvalidMainIPError – when a master’s main_if violates established rules
  • MasterJailMismatchError – if a master and a jail called in a method are not related

Checks whether a given jail belongs to the handler’s master

Parameters:jail (Jail) – the jail whose status is checked
Returns:whether the jail belongs to the handler’s master
Return type:bool
Raises:MasterJailMismatchError – if a master and a jail called in a method are not related
classmethod derive_interface(master_if, jail)[source]

Derives a jail’s Interface based on the handler’s master’s


the jail’s Interface

Return type:


  • MissingMainIPError – when a master’s interface does not define a main_if
  • InvalidMainIPError – when a master’s main_if violates established rules

Returns a given jail’s ext_if

Parameters:jail (Jail) – the jail whose ext_if is requested
Returns:the jail’s ext_if
Return type:Interface
get_jail_hostname(jail, strict=True)[source]

Returns a given jail’s hostname.

if strict is set to False, it will evaluate what the jail hostname would be if it were attached to the handler’s master.

  • jail (Jail) – the jail whose hostname is requested
  • strict (Optional[ bool ]) – whether the handler should only return hostnames for jails attached to its master. Default is True.

the jail’s path

Return type:



Returns a given jail’s lo_if

Parameters:jail (Jail) – the jail whose lo_if is requested
Returns:the jail’s lo_if
Return type:Interface

Returns a given jail’s path

Parameters:jail (Jail) – the jail whose path is requested
Returns:the jail’s path
Return type:unipath.Path

Returns a given jail’s type.

The default implementation simply honours the master’s default jail type and provides an esaily overridable method where custom logic can be applied.

Parameters:jail (Jail) – the jail whose jail type is requested
Returns:the jail’s type. For base values see jail_type()
Return type:str


class pybsd.executors.Executor(instance=None, prefix_args=(), splitlines=False)[source]

Bases: object

Executes a command Adapted from



Converts a list-based description of an ipaddress.IPVxInterface‘s ip and prefixlen such as that returned by pybsd.utils.split_if() into a string.

The returned string can be used as the argument to ipaddress.ip_interface()

Parameters:chunks (list) – a list of 6 (IPv4) or 10 (IPv6) elements describing an interface
Returns:a string-based description of an ipaddress.IPVxInterface‘s ip and prefixlen
Return type:str

Converts a string to unicode

Parameters:string (basestring (python 2/3) or str (python 2/3) or unicode (python 2) or bytes (python 3)) – the string to be converted
Returns:a unicode string
Return type:unicode (python 2) or str (python 3)

Returns a list-based description of an ipaddress.IPVxInterface‘s ip and prefixlen

Some significative indexes of the list always describe the same aspect of the interface:
  • 0: version
  • 1: prefixlen
  • 2: first octet of the interface’s ip address
  • -1: last octet of the interface’s ip address
Parameters:interface (ipaddress.IPV4Interface or ipaddress.IPV6Interface) – the interface to be described
Returns:a list of 6 (IPv4) or 10 (IPv6) elements describing an interface
Return type:list